Binare Optionen Erfahrungen 2014 Update

In particular, we quotes some results related to the case of semilinear parabolic and hyperbolic equations. We also try to discuss the case of a time dependent Joule heating system. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 09. Seminar Numerische Mathematik Dr. scale model for a cell element used to perform laboratory experiments for forward osmosis. This model considers the membrane as a homogenized porous medium and uses a Darcy type model for fluid flow in porous media. scale simulation approach to model forward osmosis processes using membranes with layered homogeneous morphology.

scale setup and detailed microstructure of the substrate using the digitally reconstructed morphology. scale model for fully or partially resolved microstructure of the membrane with heterogeneous morphology. Here processes occur at the pore scale which yields a detailed and accurate picture of the processes. We introduce mathematical models and present numerical results for all three modeling approaches. scale approach is also validated with laboratory experiments.

WIAS Berlin Mittwoch, 08. Universität zu Berlin Mittwoch, 08. Forschungsseminar Mathematische Statistik Dr. sparse target vectors in Rp. condition for the Lasso and under a slightly more constraining assumption on the design for the Slope. asymptotic, and hold both in probability and in expectation. ed with high probability for a large class of random matrices with independent and possibly anisotropically distributed rows. We give a comparative analysis of conditions, under which oracle bounds for the Lasso and Slope estimators can be obtained.

norms of regressors are uniformly bounded. Joint work with Guillaume Lecu, Alexandre Tsybakov. Universität zu Berlin SFB 649: Ökonomisches Risiko Universität Potsdam WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 07. Seminar Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics Dr. In my talk I will discuss the bounds for the smallest and largest singular values of different random matrix ensembles. These bounds play a crucial role in many limit theorems in Random matrix theory. Some applications to numerical mathematics and data analysis will be given as well.

WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 02. Hömberg and funded by the EU through its European Industrial Doctorate initiative. In order to produce high performance steel, refinement metallurgical processes are used by steelmakers. One example of these processes are vacuum tank degassers, where the liquid steel is contained in a vacuum ladle and is subject to an inert gas flow in order to evacuate impurities such as gaseous Hydrogen particles. The control of this process is a main issue for steel plants which aim at a competitive production of high performance steel. One possibility to achieve this is to consider the vibration measured on the ladle wall and to link it with the velocity of the flow happening inside the ladle.

Then, experiments have to be carried out in order to derive an operational index which can predict the steel quality based on vibration measurements and simulations. general introduction to this doctoral work is presented in this seminar. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 02. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 02. WIAS Berlin Mittwoch, 01. Universität zu Berlin Dienstag, 31. armed bandit problem and its pure exploration variant. We will then focus on a new lower bound for the Best Arm Identification problem, and introduce a new pure exploration problem: the thresholding bandit problem, for which we will show a lower bound and a novel algorithm to solve this problem. WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 31. The reduction in microprocessor size lead to a significant increase in computational power.

However, there is a physical limit to this increase. Instead of transmitting information via electricity, it has been recently proposed to transmit it via light. silicon device to allow it to emit light.

Unfortunately, due to heating issues the operational time of such lasers is currently limited to minutes. By maximizing strain in the optical cavity, the lasing threshold should be reduced and the lasing device become more heat resistant. We model the laser and strain maximization as an optimal control problem. larger strain than the original configuration. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 26. WIAS Berlin Mittwoch, 25. convex quadratic problems arises in multiple statistical and computer science problems. problems by domain specific methods and heuristics.

definite dual to contribute both decrease computational time and improve approximation guarantees. The talk is based on the joint research results with Yu. Universität zu Berlin Universität Potsdam WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 24. Seminar Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics Dr. In this talk, two important operators will be introduced: the play operator and the Preisach operator. called Everett function will be discussed. WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 24. Seminar Numerische Mathematik Prof.

This talk considers numerical analysis of MHD flow that is based on Elsässer variable formulation. In the first part of the talk, I will present a fully discrete, efficient time stepping scheme that decouples the MHD system. Numerical simulations will be given on some benchmark problems. In the second part of the talk, I will consider the long time stability property of the MHD system. The scheme uses linearly extrapolated BDF2 time stepping scheme, together with a finite element spatial discretization.

The stability restriction of the algorithm is tested. WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 24. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 19. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 19. Universität zu Berlin WIAS Berlin Mittwoch, 18. Universität zu Berlin Mittwoch, 18. Forschungsseminar Mathematische Statistik Dr. determined linear inverse problems. dimensional signal models, sparse models expressed with signal dictionaries have given rise to a rich set of algorithmic principles combining provably good performance with bounded complexity.

resolution, applications require choosing a good dictionary. driven principles known as dictionary learning. means and NMF, we will discuss techniques to learn dictionaries with controlled computational eciency, as well as a series of recent theoretical results establishing the statistical signicance of learned dictionaries even in the presence of noise and outliers. Universität zu Berlin SFB 649: Ökonomisches Risiko Universität Potsdam WIAS Berlin Dienstag, 17. In the spectral stability analysis of pattern solutions, the presence of a small parameter can reduce the complexity of the linear stability problem. Our reduction method yields a factorization of the Evans function in accordance with the scale separation induced by the small parameter.

For some specific equations this product structure has yet been established by geometric arguments. Our analytic method formalizes and generalizes the factorization procedure. The main tool for the reduction is the Riccati transformation. function analysis complemented with a careful analysis of the spectral curve attached to the origin leads to explicit conditions for nonlinear diffusive stability.

WIAS Berlin Freie Universität Berlin Donnerstag, 12. Spatially adapted regularisation in image reconstruction has been used in order to preserve details like texture and other highly oscillating features that are naturally present in the image. The idea is to apply regularisation of different strength in different parts of the image by spatially varying the regularisation parameters. In this talk, we will study analytically the effect of the spatially varying parameters to the structure of solutions of total variation type regularisation. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 12. Seminar Numerische Mathematik Prof.

In a single substance the barycentric velocity is a primitive concept while in a mixture of several constituents it is defined via the velocities of the constituents. In both cases the evolution of the barycentric velocity is determined by the balance equations of mass and momentum. There are many inconsistencies in constitutive models in the field of the barycentric velocity.

The most prominent example concerns an incompressible material with thermal expansion. Finally we study the plating process of two copper electrodes immersed in an electrolyte. WIAS Berlin Donnerstag, 12. WIAS Berlin Mittwoch, 11. field model can be used to qualitatively analyze the stability of the system, as well as the scenarios for the onset and the suppression of the collective mode. The second part of the talk will be dedicated to characterization of the activation process in coupled excitable systems influenced by two independent sources of noise, which may be interpreted as external and intrinsic noise.

field model will be applied to explicitly demonstrate that an assembly of class II excitable units can itself exhibit macroscopic excitable behavior. first pulse and the associated coefficient of variation, will be compared to the ones of a single and two coupled excitable units.

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